Recipes > Snacks
After School Snacks: Fun Insects & Banana Boats

Create easy & simple snacks that will ignite your child's imagination!
Alison’s Pantry Peanut Butter
Alison’s Pantry Raisins or Sultanas
Alison’s Pantry Pretzel Bows
Banana Boats
Mother Earth Natural Peanut Butter
Your favourite Alison’s Pantry snack blend; we’ve used Alison’s Pantry Antioxidant Blend
Ants on a log
Cut a stalk of celery into a 10cm length
Fill the celery with Mother Earth Natural Peanut Butter
Place Alison’s Pantry Raisins or Sultanas along the celery on top of the peanut butter (approx 4-6 raisins)
Cut a stalk of celery into a 10cm length
Fill the celery with Mother Earth Natural Peanut Butter
Cut an Alison’s Pantry Pretzel Bow in half and place the flat side down into either side of the celery piece to form ‘wings’
Place two Alison’s Pantry Raisins on the front of the celery sticks as ‘eyes’
Banana Boat
Take a banana and slice in half or into quarters & spread natural peanut butter onto the banana, flat side up
Sprinkle with your favourite Alison’s Pantry snack blend; we’ve used Alison’s Pantry Antioxidant blend